• X. Hou and S. Dey, “Motion Prediction and Pre-Rendering at the Edge to Enable Ultra-Low Latency Mobile 6DoF Experiences,” IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 1, pp. 1674-1690, Oct. 2020.    PDF    IEEE Xplore
  • X. Hou, S. Dey, J. Zhang and M. Budagavi, “Predictive Adaptive Streaming to Enable Mobile 360-degree and VR Experiences,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, April 2020.    PDF    IEEE Xplore


  • X. Hou, J. Zhang, M. Budagavi and S. Dey, "Head and Body Motion Prediction to Enable Mobile VR Experiences with Low Latency," in Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, HI, USA, Dec. 2019, pp. 1-7.    PDF    IEEE Xplore


  • X. Hou, S. Dey, J. Zhang and M. Budagavi, “Predictive View Generation to Enable Mobile 360-degree and VR Experiences,” Proceedings of the 2018 Morning Workshop on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Network, Budapest, Hungary, August 2018, pp. 20-26.    PDF    ACM Digital Library
  • X. Hou, Y. Lu and S. Dey, “Novel Hybrid-Cast Approach to Reduce Bandwidth and Latency for Cloud-Based Virtual Space,” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 3s, June 2018, pp. 58:1-58:25.    PDF    ACM Digital Library


  • X. Hou, Y. Lu and S. Dey, "Wireless VR/AR with Edge/Cloud Computing," Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks, Vancouver, Canada, July 2017, pp. 1-8.    PDF    IEEE Xplore


  • Y. Lu, and S. Dey, "JAVRE: A Joint Asymmetric Video Rendering and Encoding Approach to Enable Optimized Cloud Mobile 3D Virtual Immersive User Experience", IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, Vol 6, Issue 4, pp 544-559, 2016.     PDF
  • Y. Lu, Y. Liu and S. Dey, "Asymmetric and Selective Object Rendering for Optimized Cloud Mobile 3D Display Gaming User Experience", Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp 1-30, 2016.


  • Y. Lu, Y. Liu and S. Dey, "Optimizing Cloud Mobile 3D Display Gaming User Experience by Asymmetric Object of Interest Rendering", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC'15), pp 6842-6848, London, Jun. 2015.    IEEE Xplore
  • H. A. Pedersen and S. Dey, "Enhancing Mobile Video Capacity and Quality Using Rate Adaptation, RAN Caching and Processing", IEEE Transactions on Networking , Volume PP, Issue 99, May 2015.    PDF
  • Y. Lu, Y. Liu and S. Dey, "Modeling and Optimizing Cloud Mobile 3D Display Gaming User Experience by Asymmetric Graphics Rendering", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, VOL. 9, NO. 3, pp 1-16, Apr. 2015.    IEEE Xplore
  • Y. Liu, S. Dey and Y. Lu, "Enhancing Video Encoding for Cloud Gaming Using Rendering Information", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Volume PP, Issue 99, Jun. 2015.    IEEE Xplore
  • Y. Lu, Y. Liu and S. Dey, "A Joint Asymmetric Graphics Rendering and Video Encoding Approach for Optimizing Cloud Mobile 3D Display Gaming User Experience", in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM'15), Miami, Dec. 2015.    PDF


  • H. Pedersen, S.Dey, "Mobile Device Video Caching to Improve Video QoE and Cellular Network Capacity", in Proc. of ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems (MSWiM'14), pp 103-107, Montreal, Canada, Sep. 2014    ACM Digital Library
  • Y. Liu, S. Wang, S. Dey, "Content-Aware Modeling and Enhancing User Experience in Cloud Mobile Rendering and Streaming", in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, VOL.4, NO.1, Mar. 2014.    PDF ,    IEEE Xplore
  • Y. Lu, Y. Liu and S. Dey. “Enhancing Cloud Mobile 3D Display Gaming User Experience by Asymmetric Graphics Rendering", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC'14), pp 368-374, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.    IEEE Xplore
  • H. Ahlehagh, S.Dey, "Video Aware Scheduling and Caching in the Radio Access Network",IEEE Transactions on Networking, VOL. 22, NO. 5, Oct. 2014    IEEE Xplore


  • S. Dey, Y. Liu, S. Wang and Y. Lu “Addressing Response Time of Cloud-based Mobile Applications", in Proc. of ACM International Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing & Networking, Bangalore, Jul. 2013.    ACM Digital Library
  • S. Wang, S. Dey, "Adaptive Mobile Cloud Computing to Enable Rich Mobile Multimedia Applications", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, VOL. 15, NO. 4, Jun. 2013.    IEEE Xplore
  • Y. Liu, S. Dey, D. Gillies, F. Ulupinar and M. Luby, "User Experience Modeling for DASH Video", in Proc. of Packet Video Workshop (PV2013), San Jose, Dec. 2013.    PDF
  • H. Ahlehagh, S. Dey, "Adaptive Bit Rate Capable Video Caching and Scheduling", in Proc. of IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC'13), Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013.


  • S. Dey, "Cloud Mobile Media: Opportunities, challenges, and directions", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC'12), Maui, Jan. 2012.    IEEE Xplore
  • S. Wang, Y. Liu, S. Dey, "Wireless Network Aware Cloud Scheduler for Scalable Cloud Mobile Gaming", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'12), Miami, Jun. 2012.    IEEE Xplore
  • H. Ahlehagh, S. Dey, "Hierarchical Video Caching in Wireless Cloud: Approaches and Algorithms", in Proc. of ICC 2012 Workshop on Realizing Advanced Video Optimized Wireless Networks,Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 2012.    IEEE Xplore
  • H. Ahlehagh, S. Dey, "Video Caching in Radio Access Network: Impact on Delay and Capacity", in Proc. of IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference, Paris, France, Apr. 2012.    IEEE Xplore
  • S. Wang, S. Dey, "Cloud Mobile Gaming: Modeling and Measuring User Experience in Mobile Wireless Networks", ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Comput. Comm. Rev.(MC2R), VOL. 16, NO. 1, pp. 10-21, Jan. 2012     ACM Digital Library
  • Y. Liu, S. Wang, S. Dey, "Modeling, characterizing, and enhancing user experience in Cloud Mobile Rendering", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC'12), Maui, Jan. 2012.    IEEE Xplore


  • S. Wang, S. Dey, "Rendering Adaptation to Address Communication and Computation Constraints in Cloud Mobile Gaming", in Proc. of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'10), Miami, Dec. 2010.    IEEE Xplore
  • S. Wang, S. Dey, "Addressing Response Time and Video Quality in Remote Server Based Internet Mobile Gaming", in Proc. of the IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC'10), Sydney, Apr. 2010.    IEEE Xplore


  • S. Wang, S. Dey, "Modeling and Characterizing User Experience in a Cloud Server Based Mobile Gaming Approach," in Proc. of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom'09), Hawaii, Dec. 2009.    IEEE Xplore